Not many newbie on the internet marketing world is able to drive hundreds of visitors to their website in a monthly basis but if they do not have any visitors to their websites, it Iphone 4s Repair Parts will means that they are not marketing at all.Therefore, it is vital to drive traffic to your website because the more visitors you have, the more chance you can have them opting into your subscription form. Then you can communicate with them and make sales. So, a popular way of generating traffic on a budget is through content or article marketing. This method is not only effective but it is also virtually free.The down side of this method is it is very time consuming. Most people might also feel difficult to write articles or don’t even know where to start. A good way to start is by reading other people’s articles and then tries to write based on your own words and knowledge.If you are promoting a product, you can simply write different reviews about that product. If you can come up with 10 articles per month which is little in my opinion and submit them to 10 article directories, you can have 100 links linking to your websites. That is the idea of article marketing.The key is to write articles based on specific keywords. Use keywords that people out there would type in the search engine that relates to your product. Use of the keyword is important so that the search Wholesale China engine will be able to find your articles.Then there is the question of submitting your articles to article directories. You can choose how many sites you want to submit to. I am currently submitting to over 300 article directories with a help of auto article submitter software. This will definitely take time if you are doing it manually. So, you can start by submitting to 5 to 15 article directory sites and see how many views you get.I just want to say here that this method is very useful but it does take time to get some results. The important factor here is to be consistent in your work. Submit everyday is you can, if not do, it 3 times a week. Maintain your work for 3 months and see what the results are.
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